Johan, the esoteric film maker, producer, and creative director of Qi-Yo is a curious, joyful, and dedicated seeker who captures the story of human consciousness while filming, traveling, and teaching around the world. The focus of his work is on portraying a sense of community and connectivity through cleansing rituals, yoga and martial art practices, physical training – all infused with his singular blend of inspirational insights.
Most intriguingly, Johan is the mastermind behind Reboot360, a hub to extend a bridge to other seekers, as he shares his inspirational magic to unleash intuition, and spark insight. Awakening the inner child, our latent creativity we tap the power of subconscious to retrieve our soul purpose, and recreate our personal narrative. Destiny is a variable, we create our reality in joy and wonder. Shared creativity is a cradle of innovation, and inspiration that is infectious and mutually transformative.
Johan brings in his reboot magic to shake us out of our comfort zones, to invite us to play, to explore and discover. Leading through games – traditional and devised; guiding through shamanic rituals of the Amazon rainforest; instructing through Qi-Yo and Yoga, Coaching people individually, or in group settings.
He travels along with the Qi-Yo University-on-wheels to share his knowledge and experience in utter joy and child like wonder. His vision, both visual and kinesthetic, ceremonial and urban, captures the spirit of our evolving world, and arms us modern individuals with strength and power. The goal is to experience purity, to find clarity, to celebrate our most authentic self, together – as ONE.
Johan was born in the Netherlands to Frisian parents. Until his mid-twenties his life was mostly dedicated to work, parties, drug abuse and gaining material wealth. It was during this time that he suffered from severe depression. That was his wake up call. From that moment he got hooked to living a meaningful and sustainable life. He cut old ties, quit his job, relinquished the old patterns and worn-out mind sets, moved out of his house, gave away all his belongings, and bid the old Johan farewell.
Johan started traveling around the world, almost without any money, and lived in several communities in the Balkans, Brazil, and South Africa. It was there that he worked through his personal trauma and dealt with his own control- and belief systems. It was also during this period that he fully experienced the healing and transformational effects of plant medicine. His transformation was profound and urged him to go back to Europe and share his experience and knowledge to liberate people struggling with similar issues. In his healing work he gained proficiency in ceremonies and conducted his own brand of ritual transformation.
Since 2017 Johan has been contributing his ritual magic to the Qi-Yo method in an effort to align people with their soul purpose – liberating them from imposed programming and social manipulation.
Reboot360 offers guidance in reset and self-care practices designed to bring awareness in the body and mind to cultivate balance, clarity and strength. In our training en retreats we are exploring areas like Qi-Yo Yoga, Martial Arts, Travel & Adventures, Cleansing rituals and Mindset that can all play a significant part in your personal reboot journey.
Our bodies and minds require a reset every now and then to align with our true nature and to function at their best. Just as with our computers needing a reboot to operate efficiently, it is equally essential for our own well-being to occasionally reboot our body and mind to reset ourselves. We exist within various cycles, both big and small, and resetting ourselves at the beginning of each cycle can enhance our performance and overall well-being.
A reboot can be accomplished in various ways, customised to individual preferences and needs. Engaging in movement arts, fasting, cold exposure, or embarking on a training or retreat are just a few examples of how to reset. The possibilities are truly endless! Discovering the reset routine that resonates with you can lead to a profound sense of rejuvenation and empowerment. Remember, the key is to find what works best for you.
With our toolkit we emphasize liberating the individual from imposed programming and social manipulation. We encourage you to embrace your own natural rhythm and flow, without relying on external authorities or teachers, to find the unique expression of your inner genius. Free from labels and forms, we seek inner guidance, with balance, strength and wellbeing as our goals.
We are not a label or brand but an open, interactive, playful space for awakening one’s own potential. Reboot360 is a shared hub where all souls, regardless of age or physical ability, could assemble and hone their physical, mental and emotional instruments.
A higher purpose
We uphold a higher purpose more engaging than only profits. We have an authentic and sincere intention to serve the collective good and make a contribution to society. We see a future that is harmonious and abundant based on equality where everyone can thrive and live in accordance with our environment and our true desires. We believe that humanity must come together on the basis of mutual interest and agreement in which global well-being is the measure of success. Not thinking in terms of limitations or scarcity, but in possibilities with a common sense and moral responsibility.
We investigate and inspire paths to global prosperity that are not dependent on economic growth. Our mission is to build and strengthen a broad-based global tribe to identify, inspire and implement new approaches to global well-being.
Einstein once said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." With Reboot360 we support a movement of seekers, artists, visionaries, scholars, teachers and entrepreneurs that are creating new paths for a new paradigm on Earth. Implementing other ways of thinking and methods that offer solutions for local and global challenges. In this time of acceleration a great evolutionary leap is ahead of us – both on a technical and spiritual level. To steer this development in the right direction, awareness is necessary to gain insight and clarity.
With the liberty to play, educate, and exchange ideas and visions we are creating a tribe, where we extend a bridge to all cultures, all traditions, all races and ethnicities – celebrating unity in diversity on all levels and within our cells. The journey is our world – within and without. The destination is ourself.